
Glossary of Terms in a Car Accident

Acci­dent InvestigationThe process of gath­er­ing evi­dence, iden­ti­fy­ing respon­si­ble par­ties, and build­ing a strong case after a car accident.
Bicy­cle AccidentsAcci­dents involv­ing bicy­cles and motor vehi­cles, often result­ing in seri­ous injuries to the cyclist.
Car Acci­dentsCol­li­sions involv­ing motor vehi­cles, which can result in injuries, prop­er­ty dam­age, and some­times death.
Con­tin­gency FeeA pay­ment arrange­ment where an attor­ney only receives pay­ment if they win the case, typ­i­cal­ly in the form of a per­cent­age of the set­tle­ment or judgment.
Lit­i­ga­tionThe process of tak­ing a case to court, pre­sent­ing evi­dence, and argu­ing the case in front of a judge and/or jury.
Med­ical Care CoordinationAssis­tance in obtain­ing prop­er med­ical treat­ment and doc­u­men­ta­tion of injuries fol­low­ing an accident.
Motor­cy­cle AccidentsAcci­dents involv­ing motor­cy­cles and oth­er vehi­cles, often result­ing in severe injuries to the motorcyclist.
Pedes­tri­an AccidentsAcci­dents involv­ing pedes­tri­ans struck by motor vehi­cles, which can lead to seri­ous injuries or fatalities.
Per­son­al­ized AttentionAn approach to legal rep­re­sen­ta­tion that involves under­stand­ing clients’ indi­vid­ual needs and craft­ing tai­lored legal strategies.
Truck Acci­dentsAcci­dents involv­ing large com­mer­cial vehi­cles like semi-trucks or trac­tor-trail­ers, which can cause sig­nif­i­cant dam­age and seri­ous injuries due to their size and weight.
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist ClaimsLegal claims made when an at-fault dri­ver does not have ade­quate insur­ance cov­er­age to com­pen­sate for the dam­ages caused in an accident.
Wrong­ful Death ClaimsLegal claims filed by the fam­i­ly or estate of a deceased per­son, seek­ing com­pen­sa­tion for loss­es result­ing from the death due to the neg­li­gence or wrong­do­ing of anoth­er party.